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Has anyone reviewed Short Sale transactions, policies and procedures?  We appear to be heading towards our first short sale. We do not currently have a policy or procedure addressing short sales. Does anyone have a board policy and or procedures guiding short sales?  What has your experience been with short sales?  Most short sales i have read about in the past resulted in a charge-off.  But suppose members want to try and repay with a special rate or low payment?  Any thoughts would be appreciated.thank you, 

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For those credit unions that use Docusign (esign), has anyone audited this process?If so, can you provide in guidance. thanks.

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Does the RE Department use a checklist as they book a HE/HI loan to document the dates when certain disclosures were given?If so, can anyone share an example.Thanks.BeronicaBeronica.Noriega@R1CU.Org 

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We use the Fed for member & some accounting wires, but also use our other corporate accounts to purchase investments, move money for overnight storage, etc.   Our current policy only addresses using the Fed for "wires".  Do any of you have a separate policy for accounting wires?  If so, can you share?  Thanks ~ Ana

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For those people having the pleasure of using Summit as their core processor & transmit wires through the Fed, have you implemented WireXchange?  For those who have, I'd like to know if you've noted any security weaknesses with FISERV's application to automate the wire requesting process.  We have & it seems to have streamlined the process for my Accounting department who transmits the wires, but I'm just wondering at what cost.  Thanks ~ Ana

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How do your credit unions handle the performance of model validations for your ALM software?  Do you outsource this to a third party or do in-house?  We use ProfitStar for ALM and the 3rd party bid we received was quite expensive, so management is exploring the possibility of doing in-house.  If your IA does it, did you attend specialize training and through whom?  Can you please include the size of your credit union in your response (we are ~$350 million).  If you have an audit program that you are willing to share that would also be great.  Thank you.  

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I am curious to know what types of policies other CU's have regarding Employee Finances and Financial Responsibility. In our employee handbook we have a section on Employee Personal Finances that states that employees are expected to manage their personal finances so that  they do not negetively affect their job performance, etc. Additional verbiage states that overdrafts in excess of the Overdraft Privilege Program limit, or any three overdrafts in a twelve month period that result in returned items will result in account closure (we monitor for this monthly).

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Do any of you have the cash recyclers (TCR) in your branches?  If yes, how do you handle auditing them?  For example, do you audit them before the branch opens or closes?

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Are any of you present at the NCUA exit meeting with your BOD when reviewing the DOR and Findings?? Thanks,Kim

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Does anyone have an organizational chart that is willing to share for a $400 Million and a $500 Million size?Thank you. Beronica.Noriega@R1CU.Org

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