K10 Vision

The Background To K10
K10 Vision Audit Management Software
K10 Vision is the fastest growing internal audit software used by teams worldwide, featuring real-time dashboards and covering all aspects of Risk Based Annual Planning, Assurance Mapping, Electronic Working Papers, Issue Tracking, Time Recording, etc.
For more info or a demo visit www.k10vision.com.
CU Risk Intelligence

CU Risk Intelligence offers affordable and comprehensive compliance solutions created by credit union compliance professionals. Our services range from self-service compliance systems to fully remote solutions for required audits and compliance monitoring of all operational areas. We also offer customized engagements to meet all compliance needs.
Compliance Services Group, LLC

Compliance Services Group, LLC is the product of two nationally respected companies that provide responsive and high-quality compliance consulting and audit services for financial institutions of all types.
Our team of consulting and auditing professionals, with decades of consulting, auditing, and financial institution experience, serves over 175 financial institutions throughout the nation.
Firley, Moran, Freer & Eassa, CPA, P.C. (FMF&E)

Company description:
The Audit Library

The Audit Library increases the efficiency, effectiveness, and value of the Internal Audit function by providing exceptional resources and quality consulting at a reasonable price.
Mainsail Trim Inc.

Services: Helping you navigate faster…
There are more and more regulatory compliance and internal audits that need to be done both annually and bi annually. Failure to comply is not an option for you. However not only does it take a lot of time to make sure your organization keeps up to date with the ever changing compliance landscape, it also takes time to ensure that you do everything correctly in order to comply. As your Credit Union grows, the number of regulatory issues also become more complex.
The Bonadio Group

The Bonadio Group is a nationally ranked, top 40 CPA firm that brings an integrated world of resources to every client, large or small. We have developed relationships with a broad spectrum of clients that range from the private sector and public organizations to tax-exempt entities and individuals. While many firms are staying the same size, we are continuously building our practice so that we can deliver the highest quality service and never leave our clients seeking more. No other firms in our local or regional market have the same focus on continued growth.
Turner, Warren, Hwang & Conrad

TWHC’s financial institutions practice provides a complete suite of services to credit unions of all sizes. Our credit union clients range from over $10 million to over $10 billion in assets. Our staff knows credit unions well. While the national firms we compete with call themselves specialists and the partner may have five or six credit union clients, our partners have in excess of 25 to 30 credit union clients each.