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We have a business account that is a LLC.  In short it is a holding company that has about 7 restaurants.  The LLC uses one bank account to receive settlements for all their restaurants.  The ACH items come in for each respective company from a thirday party WORLDPAY.  The restaurants all have their own EIN's.  Our operations VP is  thinking that they should set up a DBA for all the separate restaurants. My thoughts as I outlined them to operations were as follows:1.  We post entries according to account numbers- not names.2. We searched the SUNBIZ (fl state directory of businesses) which indicated that this corporation counted the restaurants as their subsidiary or whatever.3.  We are not the tax police.  It is not our job to ensure that the respective taxes are paid in accordance with each EIN.4.  At such time we determine that there is suspicious activity associated with the account, we should follow porcedures to file a SAR. (I dont believe there is any suspicious activity happening).   5. In this economic climate it may not be unusual for a corporation to have one account that they use as an intracompany cash and transaction disbursement account.  (why have 8 accounts when you can have one and minimize fees) What are your thoughts?