Hi! We have a fraud specialist position at our credit union. This person deals with members that have had fraud on their debit cards or checks and is responsible for making sure we have the members fill out the appropriate forms, file a police report, sends the paperwork to see if the credit union can receive credit back from the merchant, file claims with our bonding company, reimbursing members for fraud losses, etc. The management team has decided they would like me to audit this area as we have had some substantial plastic card losses in the past couple of years and they want to make sure our processes, particularly related to reimbursing the members back and the internal controls, are being followed. Does anyone audit this area and if so do you have an audit program or checklist you would be willing to share? I have also posted this on the ACUARP forum.Thanks!Jeni HeadInternal AuditorLinn Area Credit Union319.892.7363jhead@linnareacu.org
December 6, 2011 - 2:02pm