Field Review Appraisals

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Does anyone know if the identity of the original appraiser has to be witheld when submitting a request for a field review appraisal from another company? I am curently doing the mortgage QC annual audit and found the QC processor is not blacking out the name of the origianl appraiser when sending it out to another comapny for a field review. We used to do this, but I'm not sure if it is required. The only thing I can find is on page 3 of the Field Review form #2000, item 3 states: "The lender/client has withheld the identity of the appraiser(s) who prepared the appraisal report under review, unless otherwise indicated in this report." Of course when looking at the review appraisal report I can not find where the review appraiser has indicated this in the report even though I know we did not withold the identity.