I know this comes up every once in a while, and I apologize for the repetition. Can you all provide me the following for your CU's? We're not structured as well as we could be and are preparing for a presentation to the board to propose getting where we need to be.
CU Name:
Asset Size:
Committee to which you report:
Audit team size (FTE)
Audit Leader Title:
Committee name of who you report to and a brief description of your dotted line with management – Who and what they do for CU, if it’s not obvious:
Right now, we are a little over 1 billion and I have a team of 3 including myself, (we're planning to add an IT auditor) and we report through the Chief Operations officer, which isn't appropriate, even though we outsource all areas he oversees, which is a lot of good scope areas to be honest, and we're looking to propose the structure change to report to Supervisory or a new 'Audit Committee'
I appreciate your help!