Info required for Western Union PTPs

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Good Afternoon,

Question for those who contract with Western Union for PTPs – does your credit post the requirements on your website (see below)? This is the information required per our IS folks (I am a little uneasy about posting this info on our webpage……I’m thinking it will make life easier for thieves/account takeover……) Also, has your CU been notified of all of these new requirements? I can’t imagine a ‘receiver’ of funds being willing to provide this information to a member……heck I sure would not…..SS#, Passport ID#, Alien ID# along with name, DoB, address, phone number, occupation....Who is liable if a member commits ID theft? Is the CU covered if a staff member uses this information illegally considering the receiver may be a ‘nonmember’??? Is anybody considering discontinuing the service??Am I just over re-acting and/or missing something/not understand? Would you provide this information to someone in order to receive funds??

Thanks for the feedback.

For ALL Western Union wire transfers, will need the sender's name, address, zip code, and phone number along with the following:

For $1,000.00 and above:
- Sender’s date of birth
- The type of Primary ID, plus the ID number and state or country of issue, the receiver will be using to pick up the money. (Examples: Driver's License number and issuing state, Military ID number and issuing country, Passport ID number and issuing country).
For $3,000.00 and above:
- Sender's date of birth
- The type of Primary ID, plus the ID number and state or country of issue, the receiver will be using to pick up the money. (Examples: Driver's License number and issuing state, Military ID number and issuing country, Passport ID number and issuing country).
- The primary ID the receiver will be using and a secondary ID he or she will have (i.e. Social Security Number, Passport ID, or Alien ID plus the ID number)
- What occupation the receiver has or retired from

Note for Arizona: When sending Western Unions to Arizona please remember that there is only a $450.00 limit per day and a $1,000.00 a week per receiver.