Good afternoon. I have recently transferred to this credit union due to a merger. There are two of us, internal auditors. All CU Directors (Management) meet the week before the BOD meeting to go over packet and to review to ensure no grammatical errors and so forth on the report before it goes to the BOD. The Audit Committee packet is also reviewed in this meeting. I was an external auditor for four years going from credit union to credit union. As I audited certain programs, deficiencies were obvious and have to be fixed. I had many internal control recommendations and many pages of exceptions (RE area). Management did not agree that all our work should go to the Audit Committee. They feel that if they see all of the finding that they are going to blow everything out of proportion and make a huge deal. To me, some exceptions are a big deal. Is this a type of push back that any of you have deal with? Thanks in advance. Beronica
May 11, 2012 - 2:39pm