How are the authorized check signers in your credit union managed and tracked? Do you have a list? It has come to my attention that we used to have an authorized signer complete a mini-form with their signature & date, which was approved by someone at a higher level. Apparently we have no policy on this other than for the tellers (they are covered by a very good Transaction Limits policy). Currently there seems to be no consistent process, and the tracking is out of date. On one hand, this seems ok, the people who sign the checks need to do so and are most likely authorized through system access that allows them to print checks from specific general ledger types (HR, Collections, Accounting, etc.) On the other hand, I wonder ... shouldn't we have a list of who is authorized to sign our checks? I would appreciate feedback from you, along with your credit union size. Thank you,Lori ChaseRivermark Credit Union ($575 million)
September 11, 2013 - 2:47pm