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Hi all,
I received an email from NWCUA (??) regarding annual mandatory compliance training. They list the following as required:
Bank Bribery Act and Reg P, BSA, Fair Lending, Red Flags ID theft, REG CC, and Security/Bank Protection Act.
do you train on all of these?
also in the body of the email there is reference examiners finding "a lack of training and lack of an adequate report that alerts managmetn to possible ID theft perpetraion." Has anyone experienced an exam for Red Flags ID theft and if so, were these covered in the exam?Link to delete content:Link to edit content: -
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I was hoping to see what other people use to put together their risk assessments.
Please feel free to email me at timm@1stcomm.org.
Thanks in advance,
Tim MerwinLink to delete content:Link to edit content: -
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Do anyone have a vendor due diligence audit program they are willing to share?
Paul Szabo
1st Advantage FCULink to delete content:Link to edit content: -
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ACUIA now has both Facebook and LinkedIn pages. Search “ACUIA” to find the pages and select “Like” on Facebook and “Join Group” on LinkedIn.
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We currrently flag our accounts as dormant at 24 months of inactivity. Our external auditors are recommending a shorter timeframe.
At what point does your credit flag inactive accounts as "dormant" in the system?
Aya Suzuki
Fresno County Federal Credit UnionLink to delete content:Link to edit content: -
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The board here is reviewing policy and have decided that our ACH policy is to extensive (that it looks too much like procedures) and our funds transfer (wire) policy is not written well enough. Would anyone be willing to share either or both of these that you have in place?
My emai is kbell@stlawrfcu.com
KimLink to delete content:Link to edit content: -
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I am looking for ideas and FYI's that anyone can provide to ensure I look at all research opportunities that will help me update my audit program for Truth in Savings / Overdraft Protection Programs. Thanks in advance!
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We are looking to get a more formal policy and procedures in place for Remote Deposit Capture, would anyone be willing to share their's? Any information that you could provide would be very appreciated.
Thanks & Happy Holidays!!Link to delete content:Link to edit content: -
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New internal auditor (planning to join ACUARP in 2011) is looking for any resources to get credit union best practices for internal controls. Any ideas?
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We have several merchant ATM's that we fill and balance each week. We currently have a staff member fill them regularly and then he brings the cassettes back to our main branch and the vault teller and head teller balance the ATM. Branch ATM's are filled by typcially two people several times per week, my biggest concern is that all of our Branch ATM's are in the outside lane of our drive-ups. I am trying to determine the best procedures for filling them while minimizing cost and maintaining security. I am wondering what your credit union does for ATM's - not only merchant ATM's but bran
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