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I am looking for a policy addressing “Per Diem” on expense reports. What do you allow and what is not allowed? We are looking at changing our procedures for Board of Directors and Employees. You can email to me; jhaug@collinscu.org Thank you, Julie Haug
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Does your Credit Union have a financial "penalty" built into any dealer reserve/dealer fees if a loan from that dealer has its first payment default? Is any portion of the reserve held back long enough to see a first payment made per the loan agreement? Thank you!
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Does your CU post or not post in regards to conceal carry? If you post and are willing to share your policy, procedures and training materials regarding this please forward them my way. Our BOD has not yet decided but I believe our attoney will recommend that we do post. Our training department is looking for information on this topic.I'm really interested in what is you procedure if you post that members/staff cannot conceal carry but someone does. How do you approach this situation? khodgkin@covantagecu.org
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I would like to audit our collections department initially and then conduct regular reviews going forward. I pulled the Collections audit program from the Audit Guide, but was also wondering if any of you would have a good audit program that you are willing to share? Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks!
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Has NCUA required your credit union to develop a contingency plan for delinquency? We have one in place but NCUA is asking for more specifics.Anything you could share is appreciated. Thanks!
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The CUNA Mutual White Paper on Robbery states that bait money should be
• Nonconsecutive, used Federal Reserve notes from outside the district which the credit union is located.
Does anyone know why it should be used FR notes from outside the credit union's districtLink to delete content:Link to edit content: -
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Hi all,do any of you use CUTEK for your wire program? If you do I would like to contact you directly regarding OFAC issues.thanks,
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Hello everyone...Does anyone out there have an internal audit quality assurance program? If so, would they be willing to share it?
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For those of you whose credit unions provide (or allow staff to purchase) clothing items with the CU logo on it, what is your policy for employees who leave the credit union? Can they keep the items? Are they required to turn them in to HR? If you have a policy, does it apply to volunteers also?
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Management has questioned the necessity of the information that goes into the Board Book, not necessarily what the Supervisory Committee provides for insertion but everything that is included.
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