Our Supervisory Committee is struggling with how they fit into the overall scheme of thing, specifically what their responsibilities are, why they review the things they do, etc. We are a $500 million+ credit union with one internal auditor. They read "industry standard" type of information, which often is addressed to much smaller credit unions, and get all excited, thinking they need to be performing internal audits! Again and again, it is explained to them that those comments are addressed to committees of much smaller credit unions. We have given them a position description which is
I would like to know what your policies are regarding charged-off members who are a joint members (non tax owner) on another account. For example, John Public's checking is charged off due to unpaid overdrafts, and his share is taken to $0 (no par value). However, he is a joint owner on his son's checking account (he is a minor). While we have the right to offset, we currently do not enforce it if the funds come in the other parties name. However, we are not removing John Public from the other accounts, which enables him to continue to use our services (i.e, cashing checks) even though
Hello!I have been requested to ask this group if your CU might have "CEO Goal Oriented Performance Standards" you could share. If so and you are allowed to share OR if you can direct me to where I might find a sample, email me directly heidin@fortbraggfcu.org. Thanks so much.
Does anyone have an Internal Audit Report template they would be willing to share? We recently did a branch audit and are looking for a good format to use for our report. Please email to smatthias@parkcitycu.org Thank you!
Does anyone use an opinion audit provider they would reccomend?
What procedures has your credit union implemented regarding branch (building) opening procedures? Specifically, where are your observers required to wait until the branch is secured and the all clear signal is posted?
Good morning everyone. I am looking for a sample program for Member (Customer) Due Diligence. I have used the search function on this site and didn't find much to help me. Any program, credit union procedures, check lists. audit program, etc. that can be shared would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!Marnie
I was wondering if any of you are able to recommend an IT audit firm. I'm looking more for an internal IT operations type review (i.e., change management, server configurations, etc) rather than an external security assessment/network penetration test but would appreciate any feedback. Thank you!
With the changes to the savings bond program, we have seen an increase in members requesting use of our Medallion signature guarantee services. Although the government states that it is acceptable to use the Medallion signature for the savings bond registration process, we feel that this is not an acceptable use (per Medallion guidelines). Therefore, we have decided to implement the use of a Corporate Seal. Has anyone developed a Corportate Seal Policy that we could review?
I am presently performing an audit of the Secondary Mortgage Market function. As part of the audit, I am also looking for compliance to investor requirements. Freddie Mac requires separation of the quality control function from the origination and underwriting departments. NCUA also requires that the appraisal function be separate from and not report to the loan production area. Since the appraisal staff is evaluating the information provided by the third party appraiser, they need to report to an individual knowledgeable of the process. How does your credit union handle the independen