SPONSOR: Association of Credit Union Internal Auditors Inc. 1434 Duke St Suite 200 Alexandria, VA 22314 PROGRAM: 2021 Virtual Annual Conference LOCATION: Group Internet Based DATE(S): June 22 – 25, 2021 Participant Name * CU Name * Address * City State Zip Email Address * Tue. JUN 22, 2021 - Click Here For Sessions SELECT SESSIONS ATTENDED - SELECT NONE IF SESSION NOT ATTENDED 9:00 – 10:30am * none Session 1: CCUIA Review Time: 90min 10:45a – 12:00pm * none Session 2: User Access Time: 75min 1:00 – 2:30pm * none Session 3: Ripped from the Headlines: COVID Fraud Today Time: 90min 2:45 – 4:00pm * none Session 4: Managing 3rd Party Risk in COVID Times Time: 75min Wed. JUN 23, 2021 - Click Here For Sessions SELECT SESSIONS ATTENDED - SELECT NONE IF SESSION NOT ATTENDED 11:10am – 12:10pm * none Gen-Ses 1: Scam Me If You Can Time: 60min 1:30p – 2:30pm * none Gen-Ses 2: Women in Leadership Time: 60min 2:40 – 3:40pm * none Brk-Out 1-A – Auditing Ethics and Culture Brk-Out 1-B – Communication and Collaboration Between Internal Audit and Risk Brk-Out 1-C – Does Your Audit Plan Address Issues for the Pandemic? Time: 60min 3:50 – 4:50pm * none Brk-Out 2-A – Cryptocurrency/Blockchain 101: What You Need to Know Brk-Out 2-B – Third Party Risk Brk-Out 2-C – Trends in Cybersecurity Time: 60min Thu. JUN 24, 2021 - Click Here For Sessions SELECT SESSIONS ATTENDED - SELECT NONE IF SESSION NOT ATTENDED 1:10 – 2:10pm * none Brk-Out 3-A: Auditing That Matters Brk-Out 3-B: Corporate Governance Brk-Out 3-C: Intersection of Risk/Compliance and Inclusion Time: 60min 2:20 – 3:20pm * none Brk-Out 4-A: Audit and Risk Management Role in Quality Assurance Brk-Out 4-B: Risk Landscape: Hot Topics Brk-Out 4-C: Validating Your BSA/AML Models: How It’s Done & Why It’s Important Time: 60min 3:40 – 4:40pm * none Brk-Out 5-A: Fair Lending from a Risk Assessment Brk-Out 5-B: Overview of NCUA’s Information Systems and Assurance Examination Program Brk-Out 5-C: Technology to Advance Internal Audit in a New Risk Environment Time: 60min Fri. JUN 25, 2021 - Click Here For Sessions SELECT SESSIONS ATTENDED - SELECT NONE IF SESSION NOT ATTENDED 11:15am – 12:15pm * none Gen-Ses 3: Moving the Needle Time: 60min 1:15 – 2:15pm * none Gen-Ses 4: NCUA Update Time: 60min 2:20 – 3:20pm * none Brk-Out 6-A: Elder Abuse Brk-Out 6-B: Money Laundering Red Flags Brk-Out 6-C: Risk Roundtable Time: 60min 3:30 – 4:30pm * none Brk-Out 7-A: Loan Payment Relief Due to COVID 19: Audit and Risk Consideration Brk-Out 7-B: P to P Payment Systems Fraud Brk-Out 7-C: Three Proven Strategies to Resolve Findings Quickly Time: 60min Total Combined Minutes Attended * *Divided by 50 * TOTAL CPE CREDIT HOURS * Signature * Submit