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We switched from MasterCard to Visa last year. As I was researching the Instant Issue requirements for Visa, we were provided a 2015 notice that the Instant Issue Card Personalization Issuance Standards were no longer required by the Visa rules for issuers.

If you are instant issuing Visa cards, do you still perform the annual audit per the standards? Are you still complying with the standards?

Currently, we restrict an employee from transacting on their own accounts and accounts of any family member in their same household. We do not block other employees from seeing balances or addresses for these family members. I would like to find out what restrictions you have on family accounts.  We are $2.2 Billion with about 280 employees.

Do you include all siblings, parent, children, regardless of where they live in restricted accounts?

Do you restrict access to balances and/or addresses for family accounts?

Does anyone have an IOLTA audit they would be willing to share?  

Hi - we are having a branch close at the end of February. I do have an audit program for Branch Closure. The program details steps involved in the actual day of closing and also post-close testing. This is my first branch closing.

I am wondering if you have had a branch close at your credit union, how involved were in the process? Did you perform an audit and if so, when? 

Any other information would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you for your feedback. 

Lisa Guarnaccia 



Our Credit Union is planning to perform an enterprise-wide Compliance Risk Assessment?  

Has anyone in this group gone through this type of Risk Assessment?  If so, would you be willing to share a copy of your Risk Assessment for our review?  We'd also appreciate the opportunity to talk through your overall process.

Thank you!

Kevin Haugen

GreenState Credit Union


We are looking for users of Symitar as their Core system that are also using Verafin for BSA and Fraud software platform solution?  If you are not using Verafin, can you please share what solution you are using?

We are looking to upgrade and want to determine what the best solution might be for BSA and Fraud.

Any information that can be shared would be great.


Thank you.

Kathie Harmon - AVP- Internal Audit & Compliance

Advancial FCU

I am doing interviews to establish a workflow for our User Access Review and working on determining where everything lives at the moment. Does anyone else do a review like this? and if so what do you look at other than testing the users access to systems and making sure that they have the correct permissions for their role. 


Thank you for your help. 


Hello everyone.  The Authorized Positive/Settle Negative (APSN) issue was brought up by our Examiners in 2024.  Since we will be going through a new administration at the White House and the uncertainty of the CFPB Regulations, we were wondering if anyone has done anything to address this issue of APSN.  If so, would you be willing to share what actions you took?  Or are you in a wait and see what happens approach?  Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

If an audit reveals an adverse action notice was not sent out for a denied loan over a year ago, would it be required to send the adverse action notice now more than a year later? I think I would be concerned about confusion on the members part, but just wanted to know what would be required from a regulatory standpoint. 

Thank you! 

Our VP-Compliance & Corporate Risk and Information Security Officer would like to talk to any other credit unions who have ethical hackers on staff and/or completing dark web scanning internally.

If you do this at your credit union could you provide me with a contact for us to reach out to schedule a meeting? 

Thank you in advance!

We are conducting a Wire Transfers Audit and are looking to assess how other Credit Unions facilitate the wire transfer process. We are an $11 Billion Credit Union and have multiple departments which process their own wires (Mortgage, Commercial, Call Center, etc.) vs having one centralized wire department which completes all wires. To gage how we compare to other Credit Unions, if willing, please provide 1) your asset size and 2) state if your Credit Union has a centralized Wire Department or decentralized processes.

Thank you!

Does the SAFE Act require NMLS number to be included on HELOC documents?

First of all, I know that QC is not Internal Audit, but yet some of us still have some QC people on our IA teams. I am trying to gather some data to see where loan QC lives for most of us.  

For example, my CU has some QC peices sprinkled throughout departments, but I have a dedicated loan QC person that currently reports to IA.

Would you please leave a comment of your CU size, how many QC people you have, and where they live on the org chart?

Thank you!


CU Size: $3.3B

Dedicated QC people: 1 

QC reports to: IA



I wanted to know if any credit unions are currently banning direct transactions with cryptocurrency platforms.

If so, which channels do you prohibit these transactions (e.g., wires, debit/credit cards)?

Is this a complete ban, or do you establish dollar limits?

How do you maintain a current list of crypto platforms?

Did you add/amend any verbiage in your account disclosures and/or forms (e.g., wire transfer agreement form) to notify the member that crypto transactions are prohibited?

Thank you in advance for your help!


So we have an ongoing discussion on HMDA reporting and when an inquiry / application is a HMDA reportable application. A common practice seems to use the Reg Z (TRID) guidelines however that is not the same definition or requirement as Reg B or Reg C (HMDA). Any thoughts or references would be appreciated. 

Looking for anyone who has used, is using, or has information related to Diligent software for internal auditing.  We just saw a first presentation on it and I'd like to hear real users' feedback on advantages, limitations, etc.  Thank you!



Does anyone have a form they use and like to complete the mortgage PFQC process?  If you do, please email to me at



Hello Everyone,

Is bait money still required by either the NCUU and/or your insurance carrier?

I'm looking for other credit unions that use Symitar Quest for their core systems.  We have some reporting needs and have hired CuTek to help with that, but it seems like they are making it harder than it has to be.  Wondering what others on the core are doing for a PO Box report and possibly others.  Please reach out to me at





Is anyone willing to share a template they use for Supervisory Committee meetings?  I'd like to see what content is provided to other SCs on a regular basis.  We have our CFO attend our meetings and shares information on the credit union's financials.  This tends to take up a large portion of our meetings and the CFO and I are not sure that it is the best use of our time or that it's appropriate for the SC to take a deep dive into our financial statements each time we meet.


Appreciate any insights you all can lend!



Can anyone share how your institution handles Interactive Teller Machine (ITM) audits.  

Does your institution audit stand alone (ITM) machines if your staff is responsible for filling/emptying the cassettes and receiving the ATM deposits.  

Also, does your institution require audits if filling/emptying cassettes and receiving ATM deposits is outsourced.


We are expecting approval of merger plans shortly, and if successful, we will be merging a smaller CU into our CU with an estimated legal day one of 1/1/25. We are planning for 6+ months to convert all systems, vendors, and processes and would like to be operating as one by mid-July.

Hello! I am looking at adding an audit area to the calendar for next year to check the balancing of general ledger accounts. It was recommended that I take a sample, paying attention to Cash accounts, and then check to make sure the accounts are balanced timely, a supervisor signed off, and that a backup is attached to verify the asset or liability.

I was just curious if anyone conducts something similar to this and would be willing to share the steps you take? Any insight is greatly appreciated. 

If your Credit Union outsource almost all the audits, can you share your charter and your job description? Need guidance for the possibility of this happening. Thanks!

How often do you audit the following areas? Due to our staffing and the number of audits we do, I would like to move some audits to every other year and I think these could be options for that. 

1. Courtesy Pay

2. Escheats and Inactive Accounts

3. Safe Deposit Boxes

